#10 SSS Security Tip | Opportunistic Crime

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Society prepares the crime the criminal commits it

– Henry Thomas Buckle

Opportunistic crime is on the rise. This global phenomenon is nothing new within the realm of crime but the rapid rate of increase of such criminal activities is of concern.

High unemployment, rampant drug use and a constant influx of people to urban areas, are driving forces in making the opportunistic crime rate one of the highest types of crime experienced within society today.

By its very nature little planning or surveillance is required, on the part of the criminal, beforehand. Criminals capitalise on opportunities as they become available making good use of circumstances like blackouts (load shedding), back-up alarm batteries failing, security lights going out etc.  Compounding this is the fact that the SAPS are generally under resourced or unwilling to deal with such relatively minor crimes.

Targets are mostly random with the elderly, youth, women and vulnerable persons often being repeat victims of such crime. The flexibility, speed and real-time actions of opportunistic criminals mean that it is difficult to secure against such crime.

The cost of replacing actual items stolen is high and, whilst most will be insured against the theft of a phone, tablet, laptop, handbag, school bag etc., the cost of replacing sentimental items stored within them is incalculable.

The best way to secure against such opportunistic crime is to deny the criminals the opportunities that they take advantage of (where possible), by developing some key habits.

5 Key habits to develop

  1. Be vigilant and alert (at all times)
  2. Keep all valuables out of sight (even when you are in an apparent secure location)
  3. Do not carry large amounts of cash or valuables (on your person, in your bag or in your car)
  4. Do not leave valuables visible and unattended (on a table, hanging over the back of a chair or near a window – regardless if you are at work, at a restaurant or at home)
  5. Keep doors and access points secured at all times 

Develop good habits now to prevent opportunistic crime in the future

Related Links

Opportunistic Crime Game Theory | Chao Zhang et al.

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